Monday, March 4, 2013

11 Months Strong

Today marks 11 months of Log Cabin Living...I know we aren't there right now, but it's still been 11 months of living this life!  (My friend Bertie says I have to stay that much longer to make up for all my trips to the river!)  I had lunch with my friend Candace today, (awesome seeing you again my friend, thanks for the great conversation, it was a really good time!) and while we were talking I mentioned that it seems like it was just yesterday that Johny and I were taking off on this new life adventure, and yet it's been almost a year!  So many good much much yet to learn!

In celebration, I have some beautiful moments of today's sunrise on the river to share...finally, this is the first day that there have been no clouds blocking the first rays coming into the day...

See the Heron on the roof of the dock?

Before the sun touched the horizon...
...and after...

This is a dolphin swimming right under the dock, you can barely see him under the water just below the reflection of the palm tree.  This one was BIG, probably at least 7' long from nose to tail and his girth looked to be at least 12" across at it's widest point!  There were 5 dolphin (that I could count) in a mini feeding frenzy a little further into the river and away from the dock, but this one decided to come right by and feed around the dock, swirling and flipping and diving and spinning to catch it's breakfast, it was fascinating to watch...sorry to say I had to move so quickly to try to capture the pictures that they are all very was one of those awesome periods of time, standing there in the midst of it all, that passes by so quickly that the best imprint is in your memory, which means I can only share it with you via my words...I hope you've gotten the picture!

Here comes the sun...

A little later, as I walked down the river, I saw this Heron...I love this picture, except for the strip of blurry grass in the forefront, but I love the colors and the contrast of the bird against the rock.

Look at how this Osprey has clawed the fish in order to hang on...glad he doesn't have a hold of me!

By the way, I said I love the Heron picture, but I love almost all these pictures.  Maybe it's because I am celebrating 11 months, but really, I do love them.  Sometimes I find myself pretty pleased with my work for the day, today is one of them :)

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Congratulations on your 11 month anniversary.. I'm sure you both have enjoyed every minute of it.. Your mountain is so beautiful.

  2. Great photos...and good times! Hugs!

  3. You can count all of the time at the cabin, since your heart is always at home. It is important to still take trips, especially to get much needed sun in winter months. Enjoy. - Margy

  4. Thank you Susie, we do love it!

    Hugs back dad!

    Thanks Margy, I do agree, I'll have to carry the sunshine back with me to share with everyone!


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