Friday, February 8, 2013

The Snow I Missed

I'm back at the cabin, safe and sound.  Of course, as things go, it snowed while I was gone...I was disappointed by that but of course was happy to be visiting with the girls and Liam.  I got to enjoy a little of the snow as I began driving up our mountain, there were little pockets of snow here and there, but there was nothing left at the cabin.  But all is not lost...I asked Johny to talk pictures for me, and though I wasn't here to enjoy it in person, I sure am enjoying seeing these pictures...freshly fallen snow is so fills me with a deep feeling of tranquility.

There looks to have been about 5 or 6 inches (gauged by the depth of Johny's footprints).  Beautiful, isn't it?
This is looking up our driveway from the porch (standing on the left corner in the picture above)...
Pogo enjoying the snow...
Our garden...
Our mountains...
A snowman friends down the road made; I didn't center him though because I loved the wagon wheel too!

It's good to be back...and you know I have to put it out there...let it snow (just one more time, pretty please with sugar on top)!  I was hoping we might get some of the tail end of the storm hitting the northeast, but the clouds moved on leaving a few soft puffs speckling the bright blue sky.  A lovely welcome home!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. We haven't had a snow that left more than a dusting so far. But last year we had a pretty hard dump last March, so there is still time I guess. At least there is some in the high country for summer water. - Margy

  2. I love the photographs! Hugs!

  3. Margy, I'm keeping my fingers crossed, it is still winter after all!

    Patti, I think a road trip with you would be a blast!

    Ha ha Dad, I know you don't love snow...I love it enough for us both! Hugs back


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