Sunday, February 24, 2013

So Many Things to Be Grateful For

Today has been a really nice day. You know, one of those days where you just sigh to yourself and think "wow, life is good, I'm one fortunate girl!".  Here are a few of my favorite things from today...

The blue sky, slight chill, crisp mountain air...

The gurgling sound the creek makes as it tumbles over the rocks...

Finding the sun shining on a small patch of fern up in the dark brown woods...

Coming across this little darlin' in one of our neighbor's yards...I do believe she is new...really made me laugh out loud as I walked up the mountain, a fun sight to unexpectedly come across...

Getting interrupted by Guinea hens again...they are actually feisty little creatures!...

 Having some fun with target practice...I shot too & missed, 3x...

Relaxing on the porch swing with a glass of wine and brandy, watching the sun drop over the mountain...

The setting sun...

So many things to be grateful for!!!  Life is good!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. These photos almost make me feel like I want to live in the mountains too! Almost!!!

  2. Ha ha, it will never be warm enough here for you! But I'm glad you like the pictures. Hugs back


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