Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy Birthday Mountain Man!

Today we've been celebrating Johny's birthday.  It's been a great day so far, relaxing and enjoying our fire while we watch to see if he might get some birthday snow (just a few blustery flurries so far, the clouds are north and south of us, just not on top of us).  Later we will be venturing into town for a little shopping and then a nice dinner at Lucio's, our favorite fine Italian restaurant (I love their escargot appetizer, so buttery and garlicky, I hope they have it tonight...I know, this is one of those things you either love or hate, to me, they are delectable).

In honor of his birthday, I thought I'd share some of his artwork.  He begins with photographs and manipulates them to create unique compositions.  You can see more of his creations at A Splash of Pixel Dust.  Johny personally selected these photos to share with you...I hope you enjoy!

This is our friend's daughter, chasing chickens.
A collage using various elements; the original photo is our woods.
 This is an abstract piece; the photo's subject is a spiderweb.
Our woods.
 A farm nearby.

Time to get back to the birthday boy!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Happy Birthday to Johnny. Escargot sounds good. It's been a long time (I bet 25 years) since I've had some. I enjoyed the art work. I especially liked the one that was mostly black and white, with just a hint of colour of your woods. - Margy

  2. Happy Birthday to Johnny and these are so beautiful.. Wish I had that kind of talent..Happy Sunday.

  3. Enjoyed our chat, MM. Hope your Italian dinner was all that you expected...thanks for sharing the photos...they are great! Hugs!

  4. Thanks Margy & Susie, Johny appreciates it!

    The escargot were excellent, as was the rest of the dinner!

    Hugs back dad!


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