Saturday, February 9, 2013

Grilling Steak for Dinner

It's been a beautiful day with a deep blue sky and nary a cloud.  It was still cool, but comfortable, so we decided to grill some nice rib eye steaks for dinner.  It's so easy...I rub a little extra virgin olive oil on them and let them come to room temperature.  Put the grill on high heat, grill them on very high heat with the cover down for about 2 minutes each side, then lower the temperature to medium, put the lid down, and let them cook for another 2 minutes (for rare/medium rare).  Then let them rest for 5 minutes before serving...(even though they look good enough to eat right away, resting makes them juicy!).

Oven baked fries and a romaine salad accompanied these beauties. The icing on the cake?  A lovely bottle of Pinot Noir...
Everything was delectable, with good conversation accompanying the meal!  It's good to be home:)  PS...I have leftover steak...steak salad, steak sandwich, steak whatever...woo hoo!

Oh, and ha ha, I found snow walking to the mail box today!!!  Not too pretty but snow nonetheless!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Hope you save me a bite! You can't beat a bone-in rib eye, they have so much more flavor.

  2. Sure does look yummy.. Love Rib eyes.. It was a beautiful day yesterday and we need more of them but the rain has moved in again.. Lots of sickness around here and I do believe a lot of it is weather related.. A friend of mine said her doctor told her it was.. I find that funny because doctors never want to admit that.. The weather has changed so much that one's body can't adjust, I think.

  3. Mamabug, it sure did taste good! I agree, bone-in makes all the difference!

    Susie, I know what you mean. I am constantly telling myself that my cells are healthy and well...most times it works but every now and then a cold will catch me!

  4. Great to be back home with MM! Hugs!


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