Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Glistening, Glittering Tree Ice

Today was a long road trip day...back to the river!  On our way, we passed by trees that were covered with Glistening, Glittering, Glorious ice!  It was spectacular, with the sun rising and shining upon it all.  And perfect for today's ABCWednesday post.  Keep in mind these photos were taken while passing by in a car at a minimum of 55 mph...usually 60 or 65.  The scene was stunning, Glorious to look at.  I wish we could have been Gliding by...

All of these photos were cropped from the original, but stand as taken.  The last 3 are a bit of a panorama as we passed this particular spot...

Gee, how lucky am I that I have such a Good G subject for today.  Must have something to do with yesterday's rainbow!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. GORGEOUS trees! I can breathe that crisp air!

  2. Gorgeous, but I'm sure looking forward to a bit of sun that brings heat with it.

    abcw team

  3. I take it you weren't driving when you were taking pictures at 55 MPH!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Thanks was so crisp it was frigid to breath!

    Leslie, I do love winter, but I know what you mean about things warming up.

    Ha ha Roger, no I was not the driver...if I was we would have had to have stopped a gazillion times!

  5. Great photos of the "frozen" trees! Love to see that stuff in photos...only! Hugs!

  6. LOL dad, I know, it's sunny Fl for you all the way! Hugs back!


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