Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Eye of the Dragon

It's been an easy going day, mostly because it has been one of those cool rainy days that keeps you inside and close to the fire.  As I relaxed in front of the wood burning stove this afternoon, I watched a dragon emerge from the flames...I first saw it's eye, seeming to be peering at me, and then it's mouth, flaming on the sides...
...can you see it in the center of the photo?

Long before I sat relaxing, I took a walk to visit my friend Bertie...we had our usual good time together laughing at everything and just enjoying being together. On my way back, it started to drizzle...made me giggle and remember my early years of playing in the rain!

Once home, I listened to the rain dancing on the tin roof, it was like music to my ears!

When it was time to go get the mail, I decided to take Big Bear our ATV, I'd make it a quick trip rather than walking, and to try to avoid the periodic rain of the day.  But while I was riding the clouds had to let go a bit, not heavy, but enough to make my eyes wish I had wipers for my glasses! 

It's been a relaxing, effortless day.  This is exactly what one needs now and then.

It has not been easy finding "e" words for ABCWednesday...see if you can eye-dentify them:)

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f''s, see you tomorrow,



  1. Yes, I could see the eye of the dragon in the fire. Sounds like a great day for snuggling by that fire.

    abcw team

  2. I wish I was not such a coward when it comes to woods and critters, love the idea of living in a log cabin. Sounds like a peaceful life.

  3. The dragon is breathing fire! Hugs!

  4. Great post and I see dragons in fire too.

  5. We all need enchanted days like that. Sounds wonderful!

  6. Thanks everyone, life it good! Glad some of you could see my dragon:)

    Hugs back dad!

  7. I love to sit and watch the woodstove fire. I get to go home for a week on Monday. Can't wait! - Margy


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