Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Easy Mushroom Baked Chicken for a Day Blanketed with Snow

Easy mushroom baked chicken with garlic roasted potatoes and steamed asparagus is the carte du jour (the menu item today).  Though I had planned on this all along, it now is in celebration of today's beautiful snow!

You may have received a draft version of this earlier today, my apologies...
I mistakenly pushed the enter key again while I was still writing!

Before I get into the chicken recipe, let me say I feel like my winter is now complete!!!  Snow, snow, snow...I know I keep talking about it, but this morning, my winter wish came true...at least 2 (maybe 3) inches of snow covered everything when we woke up, and it was still snowing a little, huge flakes.  Ahhhh, the sweetness of snowy satisfaction!!!

The sun quickly melted everything as the day progressed, perhaps causing trouble for tomorrow morning; this cold front that came through is supposed to bring freezing temps overnight...not so good considering I have an appointment in town so I need to get off the mountain early...slow and easy will be tomorrow's mantra...

On to the carte du jour...

Easy Mushroom Baked Chicken

3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
8 oz chopped mushrooms (I am using baby bella's)
3/4 cup Marsala (can use Sherry, I like the Marsala flavor) 
4 tbsp butter
2 tbsp olive oil
salt & pepper (I am using truffle flavored salt)

Preheat your oven on 400 degrees F.  On the stove top, medium heat, heat the olive oil and butter in a large cast iron skillet.  Saute the mushroom bits on high for about 3 minutes, then add the Marsala and a little salt & pepper, stirring to blend.

Remove the mixture from the pan (I used the same dish the chopped mushrooms were in, helps with keeping cleaning easy).

Place the chicken breasts, top side first , into the same pan to sear the tops a little, then turn them over.  

Cover the top of the breasts with the mushroom mixture and pour the sauce around the chicken, drizzling over the mushrooms (try to keep the chicken covered with mushrooms).

Seal with pan with either a lid or tin foil and put it into the oven for about 45 minutes, depending on the size of your breasts.  Remove the tin foil and broil until the mushrooms become a little browned.  Pour a little of the juices over the chicken when you serve it...this is really easy and quite tasty if I do say so myself.  A keeper for sure!!!

The potatoes can be cut and put into a baking dish to roast at the same time the chicken is cooking...just wash and cut your potatoes, cover with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast!  Stir them after 20 minutes.  Throw a little minced garlic into the potatoes for the last 15 minutes of cooking. I steam my asparagus...not other seasonings...a perfect compliment to the rest of the meal!

Bonne appétitLoosely translated that means enjoy your meal:)

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Envy!


    Mushroom with chicken!

    That's all I've got to say about that!

    (ps, snow and ice might be coming our way Wed nite/thurs morn)

  2. Chicken looks great...I will try it at home! Finally, the snowfall that counts. Hugs!

  3. I hope you got your snow Patti! We've had snow and now rain!

    Hugs back dad!

  4. that is the world's SMALLEST SNOWMAN...but he lasted for three days before he finally melted into oblivion....


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