Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dawn, Ducks & Dolphin

I love dawn...that time of day when everything is calm and quiet.  Along the river, it seems very dramatic...there are very few sounds that early in the morning, and even the river is often still.  As daylight begins to break into the dark of the night, everything begins to awaken.  The fish start to surface.  The birds start to fly and sing.  People run or bike past.  Cars with people beginning their day drive by now and then too (don't like this part but it is a fact of life of the things I love so much about the cabin, not traffic!).

I've mentioned before that I believe my internal clock adjusts itself when I am here, and I am up at the crack of dawn, literally!  I was actually on the dock while it was still dark, but my pictures came out blurry. This is the first good picture of daylight dawning...I love the reflection of it all...

One of the most fascinating things to me about dawn, is the number of ducks on the river...thousands and thousands of them!  At first, they can't be seen.  But then as the rays of sun come over the horizon, you see the little darlings everywhere.

I love that moment when dawn becomes day, with the sun just announcing itself!  

The ducks were everywhere as I walked along the river later this morning...they scattered when I tried to get close to get a picture. 
 Rather pretty little ducks!
 This is another spot along the river where they were grouped...I like the branches there.

And then there are the dolphin, who swim by in search of breakfast; every now and then, they swim right in front of our dock, and when I'm really lucky they have a feeding frenzy in the shallows there.  Today, this loner was feeding, but not by our dock. 

You may have guessed it, today is "D" day on ABCWednesday, click on the link if you want to read more entries.

Here you have it, a new day dawning! (I zoom in for many of the pictures I take, this is the actual scene as I stand on the dock...I love that my camera can get such great pictures up close, but I also love the real scene...I hope you enjoy it too!)

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. You captured the beauty of dawn perfectly. Great place to do it too. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  2. Oh I DO enjoy your photos! It looks absolutely DIVINE there! If I were there, I would rise at the crack of DAWN too!

    abcw team

  3. Delectable dawn

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. What a lovely place to enjoy life. Such joys for the eye.

  5. love all the photos...especially the first, the last and the branches with the ducks. Hugs!

  6. Oh these are beautiful.. Dawn is my favorite time of the day too..

  7. Thank you all, it was a glorious morning!

    Hugs back dad:)

  8. I am such a lazy bum I rarely see sunrise. Because the sun comes up over Goat Island when we are at the cabin, I don't get the spectacular colours. - Margy

  9. Margy, I have the same situation at the cabin, the sun has to rise over the mountains before I see anything...but we do get a great sunset view...I'm a lucky girl with two awesome views:)


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