Monday, February 4, 2013

10 Months of Log Cabin Living

Last month I posted we had been living our log cabin life for 10 months, but it had only been 9 months...I didn't count correctly.  Today marks the true 10 month point.  It's true that I am not at the cabin today...but my log cabin life includes visiting with my girls, Liam and other family members as the opportunity arises.  It's also true that because I am away, I've missed a good snow storm...Johny says there's at least 3 inches covering the ground!  Today, I'm back at the river house, celebrating 10 months of log cabin living and being grateful for all the good in my life.  I'll be back in the cabin soon...hopefully, there will be another good snow before spring arrives! 

Saying goodbye is never easy, and this morning was no different.  I was sad as I said goodbye to Jessi as she headed off for work, but happy that Liam and I could spend a little extra time together before I took him to school.  I surprised him by going to his favorite breakfast spot, Dunkin Donuts, where he enjoyed a bagel with cream cheese and OJ.  This is his funny face for my picture...I'm sure going to miss him!!!
Once I got back to the river and unpacked my bags, I took a walk around.  I came across this interesting Florida Orchard Spider hanging out in the back yard; I've never seen one like it before.  The colors are quite bright and attractive! 

After exploring a little, I made homemade lemonade with Meyers lemons from our easy to do.  Boil 1 cup of water, mix in 1 cup of sugar and stir to dissolve, then add 1 cup of fresh lemon juice.  Keep this in the fridge, and when you are ready for a nice cold glass of lemonade, just pour the mixture over ice.  You can add more water to dilute it further, but I like the sharp tang of the lemon.  

I enjoyed visiting with my friend Candace for a bit this afternoon and had dinner with my friend Brucie this evening. It's so nice to be with good friends!  Catching up, sharing stories, just being's one of the things I like about being on the river:)

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I have heard about Meyer's lemons, but don't think I have every had one.

    Breakfast with Grandma, it doesn't get any better does it?

  2. Sounds like you had a good visit with the family and friends. Love the spider photos! Hugs!

  3. Patti, Meyer's lemons are sweeter than the norm, really great for any lemon needs. And you are correct, and I know you can relate, nothing is better then breakfast with grandma (Memere in my case)!

    It was good times dad, now time for a little quiet on the river! Hugs back...


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