Friday, January 18, 2013

Winter is Back!

You may have gotten a blank email from me this morning with a blog post titled "Moving from Disappointment to Enthusiasm".  I inadvertently hit 'enter' while putting some thoughts together for today's post, and apparently 'enter' instructs Blogger to publish.  
My original thoughts morphed into what you are about to read.

When I woke up this morning, the sun was rising over the mountains (hello sun, nice to see you again).  The ground was frozen, there were slick sheets of ice where the moisture had collected, a sprinkling of snow covered the ground on the NW side of the cabin, a firm layer of ice/snow on our deck (it actually was frozen solid in one big sheet), and it was crisp & cold.  Hello winter, welcome back!  As I stood outside breathing in the frosty air and listening to the creek rushing like rapids, I became eager to explore. Here is some of what I found...

This is ice on my rocking chair that sits on the porch, a close up...
 ...a little further away and a different angle (the lump below is the same as the round object at the bottom of the photo above)...
 ...and this is the whole view, the largest piece of ice on the bottom half of the photo is the same ice in the first photo from above, and the biggest lump below it, just left of center, is the lump in the photo above. 

A close up section of a sheet of ice on the deck.

A close up section of the firm ice/snow layer on the deck.

The snow covered grill (the only place there was any accumulated snow).

A close up section of a sheet of ice on the porch...
...same sheet of ice, different angle (I love the ripples in the right bottom corner).

This is from the top of the car, I believe it is a frozen mass of snow/sleet/rain.

A rock with icicles (on my way back from the mailbox).

A beautiful winter sunset...

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Ice makes for some really cool textures! Maybe you'll get lots of snow next go round!

  2. Brrrrr! Better you than me. It's cool...a climate for everyone! Hugs!


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