Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Today is All About Teeth, Fire & Fish

I went to my dentist Dr. Patrick McGuire, DDS again today, to get 2 temporary crowns set for 2 teeth with old fillings.  Good preventive dentistry to eliminate the possibility of cracking or loosing a tooth on some fairytale vacation!  Everything went smoothly, of course I was slightly medicated so I could keep myself from becoming extremely nervous, and I left with a smile on my face.  My mouth wasn't working properly because of the Novocain, but that wore off over time.  All was well until dinner time, when I chewed down and felt something George, I think I cracked the temporary crown.  Argh!!!  I have my call in to the dentist, but I am quite sure I will be visiting him again tomorrow.  At least it doesn't hurt, just feels funny.  I've brushed very gently so I don't disturb it...

Earlier today, when I first arrived home from the dentist, I was mesmerized by the fire (I'm sure the  medication had not worn off completely and this contributed to my rapt attention)...I've always loved fire and have a very healthy respect for it.  As I sat watching the wood burning stove, the fire was dancing in delicate waves and spindles.  I wanted to share a few shots of it with you...

This one looks like a little creature coming at me...
Fire burns in fascinating and mysterious ways!  And it does the job of keeping things warm...I feel quite toasty after sitting here and watching!

I made a new discovery today!  The creeks that flow near our cabin and continue to run down the mountain flowing into a larger creek that is Hatchery supported! This means that during certain times of the year, we can catch fresh trout right in our very own creek!  Yahooie!  I think it would be super cool to catch trout from our own creek.  Next steps....get a fishing license and learn how to catch trout!  I don't want to fish, I want to catch!  Can't wait to tell you more about this!  Anyone willing to share any tips?

Friendly reminder, if you haven't taken my 1 question poll yet, check it out!  You will find it on the top right side of this blog post.  If you have a different answer than those that are available, you can leave it in a comment.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Too bad about the tooth...but it will all be OK. Love the photos of the is mesmarizing. Guess we could be eating trout on our next visit! Hugs!

  2. All better now:) As for trout, I will be sure to fresh freeze a few so the next time you and Donald visit, we will have some delicious fresh trout!!! Hugs back


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