Monday, January 21, 2013

The Moon & Jupiter, A Rustic Garden Bench & Plowing Silt

The sky is really spectacular tonight, with the moon and Jupiter being very close to each other.  They won't be this close again until 2026!  Beautiful, isn't it?    I'm not sure what that star/planet is near the bottom of the you,? If so, please leave a comment.

Earlier today, Mountain Man built us a rustic garden bench.  It's made out of 2 hemlock logs from trees in our woods and a piece of driftwood (a water weathered dock plank) that floated up to the dock at our river house...a little bit of here and a little bit of there.  It will make the perfect spot to enjoy a cup of coffee early in the morning, or to stop and rest while working the garden in the early spring, or a place to just sit and enjoy nature! 
This is the bench in perspective to the whole garden...and you can see the winter rye (mentioned in yesterday's post, click on the link to read more) just beginning to sprout!

We also did some plowing in our yard today because we have had a problem with silt runoff coming down the driveway and into the front yard.  The plowing is in preparation to spread road bond and/or pea rock to keep the problem from recurring.  

This is the muck after all those rains we had recently.  Not pleasant to walk or drive in. 
This is a little larger view than the picture above, and what it looked like before I began plowing the silt into a pile. 
I enjoyed this task, I've never plowed was fun (well, after we remembered how to attach the plow!).  And it was easy...I would back Big Bear (our ATV) to corner of the yard near the cabin and deck, lower the plow, and plow straight ahead (ha ha, pun intended)
I repeated this process, dumping what I scooped up into a pile on the other side of the yard.  Then Johny shoveled the first loads that included lots of leaves and silt into the woods.  The next layer, which was some nice dirt, will be brought to the garden.
This is a photo of the space after plowing...I think you can see it is smoother.  You can see the pile of dirt toward the top of this photo.  We may need to plow more, but I think we have removed all the silt that creates the muck with the rain. 

It felt great to have a "job" to do today...winter projects have been a little slow with all the rain!

If you haven't taken my 1 question poll yet, check it out!  You will find it on the top right side of this blog post.  If you have a different answer than those that are available, you can leave it in a comment.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Good job on the "plowing"! Looks good! I'm thinking the Jupiter/moon alignment is a good sign for President Obama!
    Love the bench near the garden. Hugs!

  2. The moon was stunning last night, we could see a beautiful colored halo around it here. Our sky was so cloudless and clear last night it looked like black velvet with all the stars twinkling.

  3. Thanks Dad! Hugs Back:)

    Mamabug, what a lovely way to describe the sky!!! It really captured the moment:)

  4. We found an interesting piece of flat driftwood on the lake. I pulled it out and left it on the deck to dry out. It was so heavy, we didn't want to keep it there. John said, "That would make a great bench up on the cliff." So he cut two chunks from a log and all three pieces went up on the cliff. It is a great spot to sit and watch the boat traffic on the lake below and listen to the birds in the trees above. A natural granite cliff makes a backrest, warm and toasty on a sunny day. - Margy

  5. Brilliant minds...:) We don't have a natural granite cliff, but it sure sounds heavenly...I can just imagine the view!

  6. Awesome! Elegant garden benches to compliment any backyard! I love that color I'll have to look for it next time.


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