Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunrise, Winter Rye & a Poll

It was such a beautiful sunrise this morning, I thought you would want to see skies again for today, oh happy day!

About a month ago I shared our adventures of preparing the garden for winter.  The last step was planting winter rye.  I had begun to think we had done something wrong, because nothing was sprouting.  But I believe all the rain got things going because take a look...winter rye!  Woo Hoo! Yippee! Yeah! 
 Winter rye up close, looks like grass.  It can get as tall as 3' - 4'!

I made buttermilk banana nut bread again today...oh so good!  You can click on the link if you want to see the recipe.  I have often thought about asking you this question, just out of curiosity, my actions while baking the banana bread got me to thinking "why not, just ask". 

I'm talking about cleaning up.  When I bake (or cook for that matter), I clean as I go.  It's something I've always done, and in fact, can't not do it.  First I gather all my ingredients (you see this in my photos when I post a recipe).  Then I begin mixing things together.  As I begin putting things into the sink...
 ...I have to wash them. 
 I pick specific points during the process that makes sense to let the batter (or meal) rest/wait/cook while I wash.
 Keeps my sink open for new dirty dishes, and my counter top clear so I can keep baking/cooking.
Some of you may be thinking I do this because I don't have a dishwasher.  "Bzzz" (that's a buzzer sound like a game show meaning "incorrect")!  I clean up as I go whether I am washing by hand or rinsing and putting things into a dishwasher!
The awesome thing (for me) about this is by the time I am ready to put the final product into the oven or on the stove to cook... dishes are done!
Then I feel like I can relax.

I am curious how you manage cleaning when you bake/cook.  If you are so inclined, I have a poll for you...look to the top right side of this blog post (if you have received this by email you need to go to Lise's Log Cabin Life to take the poll, just click on the link)...answer the question, "when you are baking/cooking, what do you do with the preparatory dishes?"  If you have a different answer than the available choices, leave your response in a comment. This will be fun!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I've used rye grass to fill in poorly performing FL grass during the winter. It is very effective. Looks like yours will be perfect. Hugs!

  2. I agree, it is coming in nicely! Hugs back:)


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