Saturday, January 12, 2013

Spring in January

It's so refreshing to be able to open the windows, well, just a few and just for a little while, but I had forgotten how nice it is to have fresh air in the cabin!  Every now and again, a little streak of blue could be seen between the clouds and the temperature rose to 65 degrees by mid afternoon.  I can understand how everyone welcomes spring when it arrives, (while I've always loved the short visits we had here during winters past, I was never here long enough during the bitter cold to feel like spring was a welcomed change)...though this little 'January spring treat' is quite out of the ordinary up here in the mountains, and we've had a very mild winter thus was a real treat today nonetheless.

Here are a couple treats for you (and me)...

This is one of my hanging sun catcher crystals...I love when the sun hits it and sends streams of rainbow colored reflected light all around.  There wasn't enough sun today to catch the rays, but I thought it was pretty...

This is an adorable little squirrel who has taken to eating all the fallen birdseed around the cabin.  My friend Patti, whose blog is Osage Bluff Quilter, would probably say that her husband would recommend we keep fattening this little guy up in preparation for squirrel stew (which is supposed to be really good and I am going to try it some time)...but he's so cute, and the first time we saw him he was tiny, so we didn't discourage him...he hops around instead of walking, it makes me laugh out loud...I'm not sure it will come across in this video, but I thought you might enjoy it.  Go to Lise's Log Cabin Life if you get this via email and don't see the video here. 

I've had the good fortune to experience another kind of treat recently...I was complemented for my blog, twice:)
  • Lexie, who writes Lexie's Kitchen blog, saw my Skillet Apple Pie post and was inspired to create her own awesome low sugar, low fat Holiday Spice Skillet Apple Crisp.  That was cool.  But she also made a comment about my blog on her LOVE page, where she shares other blogs she likes...check it out (click on LOVE)!  I only found this recently, but I was deeply honored and immediately sent her an email thanking her.  
  • Then, I had a comment from Glenda C. Beall, complementing me on my Perspective Is Everything post (you can see her comment if you click on my blog post link).  Glenda is a writer, teaches writing and has several blogs, my favorite being Writing Life was another moment that I felt deeply honored.  
These exchanges happened to occur at just the right moment for me, confirming that I am on the right path, doing the right thing, and doing it well.  So I thank you ladies!  I mean, I don't have to have someone tell me, because I am really happy with how my blog is developing (and me along with it), but it is nice to have other bloggers recognize the good work I'm doing!
Which brings me to all of you...thank you for being a part of my blog...without all of you, blogging just wouldn't be the same!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Congrats on the compliments and I can see why.. I always enjoy your uplifting posts. It does feel a bit like spring here in the mountains and I love it.. I opened a few of my windows today also and let the house air out.. I've been fighting an old bug this week or I would have washed You take care !!

  2. Thank you so much Susie! I hope opening your windows helped air that bug out of you:) I say any excuse not to wash windows, LOL! Feel better:)

  3. Congratulations on receiving those heartfelt compliments. Some day, I will share my story about cooking squirrel.

  4. Thanks Dad. Can't wait to hear your story! Hugs back


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