Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Here we are, 2013!  Happy New Year!

I began this first day of the year on the river, but it was still dark when I drove away, heading back to my much loved cabin.  The sunrise was magnificent...the sun looked like a huge orange/red ball as it rose and shone through fog that was hugging the ground...a glowing sunrise for the new year.  I wish I could have gotten a picture, but the moment passed too quickly and I decided it would be best to keep my eyes on the road.  I drove the last 100 miles through a drizzle and then rain (and it's still raining).  Too bad it isn't colder, because then we would be having a really good snow.  Which would be awesome because my brother Roger and his daughter Jeanni are on their way for a few days visit.  They had hoped for snow, but I don't think mother nature is going to cooperate.

The picture above is from yesterday on the river...an Anhinga drying it's wings.  Below is the mountain view this afternoon...grey and rainy, but I love my log cabin life.  The clouds are now covering the mountains and trees...there is something magnificent about that too.

Here's hoping that 2013 brings many magnificent moments your way!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Happy New Year Lise! Glad you had a safe trip back home to the cabin.
    Looking forward to your posts for the new year.

  2. Home safe and sound! Happy New Year! Hugs!

  3. Thank you Mamabug, same to you! I'm so glad we have become friends through blogging...I'm looking forward to your new posts and photos!


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