Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"C" Is For Cookie, That's Good Enough For Me

...Sesame of my favorite children's shows (along with Mr. Rogers) when the girls were young.  It didn't take me long to decide to write about baking cookies for ABCWednesday (featuring the letter "C"), because I immediately began singing Cookie Monster's Cookie song to myself.  

I had already decided I was going to try baking Banana Granola Cookies again on this very day for several reasons (cookies look good, don't they?)...
  • they tasted good even though the last time I baked them they turned out very cake-y...I thought it was because I added a little extra banana so I wanted to try again,
  • I had a bunch of really ripe, perfect for baking bananas (they don't look very good, but trust me, bananas that look like this are full of intense banana flavor!),
  • it was forecast (correctly) that this very day would be extremely rainy with the potential for severe storms, so I knew it would be an inside day,
  • I am packing for an impromptu, short rode trip to go see Erin, Jessi & Liam (my daughters & grandson) because I am missing them,
  • and I want to bring them some of my home cooked cookies!
So while the clouds broke open and it rained cats-n-dogs, I sang the Cookie song while following the recipe as indicated.  Guess what, the cookies are still cake-y, though the edges are a little more crispy, thus making me a happy camper.  It is such a simple recipe, you can click here if you'd like to try it, I won't detail every step, but you start with these ingredients... end up with cookie dough like this... arrive at cookies like this!

With my cookies completed, I continued my packing to the cacophony of rain on our tin roof, with claps of thunder and periodic cracks of lightening joining the clamor.  Criminy it's loud in here!  Now if only the rain would stop coming down so I could pack my car!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Oh yummy! C really lends itself to cookie, lol. It had to happen. What's more they look delicious!

  2. I love cookies. Good idea for C week. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

  3. I immediately recognized the wisdom of Cookie Monster!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. I'm a cookie monster including the fact that I like to lick the dough, especially shortbread dough!

    abcw team

  5. Love cookies! and these look yummy!

  6. favorite cookies...oatmeal...with bananas added. Scrumptious! Hugs! Safe trip!

  7. Thanks everyone...they are good tasting cookies, though I still find them a little cake-y!

    Hugs back dad!


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