Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Sounds of Silence

Usually, I'm comforted by is calming & pleasurable.  But this afternoon the silence is tough to take.

Erin, Jessi & Liam left not too long ago.  I cried, as usual.  Liam asked me if I was crying and I answered yes.  I told him I was going to miss him.  He said "I'm going to miss you too Mémère, I could just stay here!".  Such a sweet soul, with so much compassion and love.  Erin saw me crying too and gave me a big long hug.  Jessi knew that one more hug would send me over the edge, so she just gave me the look we exchange sometimes that says "I know what you are feeling".

Once they drove away, I cried out loud.  I was OK with that; sometimes that's just what needs to be done.  I cried while I cleaned up the house...took down the little Christmas tree I had put up, ran the dishwasher and did more laundry.  And then...I was done crying.

I looked at my pictures and remembered all the fun we had.  So here are just a few more photographic memories I'll share about our weekend together...

The moon shot above is last nights full moon.  Usually, the girls and I do a moon dance on the dock, but it was too darn cold last night, so we decided it was better to stay warm and inside.  The moon dance occurred in our thoughts.

This is nap time that I mentioned in yesterday's post...looks like ice skating really zonked them out!

Painting; Liam's self portrait is on the right and that would be me on the left...
 Playing together with his Ninjago toys...

Fishing again, today with frozen shrimp rather than the tackle box accoutrements , but I think all the fish were too cold to bite...can you tell Liam is a little bit cold?...

It was a great visit.  Memories forever.  I did have a few tears stream while looking at the pictures, but I'm not crying any more.  And the sounds of silence are now comforting. 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Awww, it's sad to see them go.. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit.. Happy New Year. I'm so happy to have you as my friend.. :))

  2. Tears of joy! Hugs and happy new year to you and Mountain Man.

  3. Thanks Susie, I'm happy to have you as my friend as well. Happy New Year!

    It's good to be back in the cabin dad. Happy New year to you and Donald and hugs back!


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