Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Breakfast Pie

Mountain Man began this Christmas Eve morning eating his chocolate pie...he said it was delicious and that the crust tasted like crispy caramel (would that be toffee?).

Many of us are hesitant to start the day with a sugar...but I've got some exciting news to share. According to the Huffington Post, eating dessert for breakfast is helps you loose weight! So eat your cake for breakfast! I didn't eat my slice of pie yet, can't get myself to do that first thing, and I'm having mine naked, just like the one pictured below...can't wait to try it.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Eve...I'm getting ready to begin preparing my traditional Christmas turkey dinner with all the's going to be good!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Great thing dessert for breakfast, now I don't feel bad at all, for eating 2 sugar cookies before my bacon and eggs!
    Merry Christmas, I am so blessed to have great blogger friends like you.

  2. Happy to share the good news Patti! And I agree, it is a blessing to have met you (and others) through blogging! Merry Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the both of you , Hope there's more than a lump of coal in your stockings. Malcolm and Ciejay

  4. Celebrated Donald's father's 80th birthday this evening. Then went to Christmas eve candlelight service with ma tante Lucille, Roger, Norma and Jeanni. Jeanni was selected to process into the church to the altar with the "baby Jesus" in her hands. He was beaming! Donald stayed home with his folks and brother. Hugs!

  5. Thank you Malcolm. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Ciejay as well! No coal for me:)

    Glad it was a great day dad, hugs back to you! I'll have to ask Jeanni about her staring role:)


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