Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Playground

Liam and I had a great time in the playground today!

 Liam slid down the slides...

He climbed the rock wall easily...


He climbed more...

He walked along the monkey bars...
 ...he wanted to do it himself...
 ...and tried...
 ...but decided he needed help..."this one is for big boys Mémère"...

We played hide-n-seek...

And Liam jumped...
 ...and jumped...each time challenging himself to bigger stretches (had to bite my tongue from telling him it was too far)...

Finally, he said "Mémère, I'm done now.  Let's go home..."

It was only a bit of our great fun today.  We had some awesome snuggle time, book reading time, and time with Enin (my daughter, his Aunt Erin, he's called her Enin from the time he could talk).

I will miss this loving little boy so much.  He fills my heart with joy and makes me wish I was the EverReady Bunny!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Photos are great...memories are even better! Hugs!

  2. Great memories indeed! And I managed to keep up with him all day, LOL!


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