Friday, November 30, 2012

O Christmas Tree!

This is our first "Log Cabin Life" Christmas (we've celebrated many a Christmas here at the cabin) so we wanted to get our Christmas tree fresh from our woods.  There is something very special about searching for the 'just right' tree to spend the holidays with, and cutting it yourself makes it just about perfect! 

Please let me introduce you to this year's much loved Christmas tree...'s a Charlie Brown tree, no doubt about that, but it makes us love it all the more.

This is how we came to find our tree.  Over the river (creek) and through the woods we went. We hiked. We searched. Through more woods.  We climbed every mountain (OK, not every mountain, but we sure did cover some territory).  Our conversations went something like this...Johny (J): "how about this one?", Lise (L): "too scraggly"...J: "how about this one?", L: "there's no green on it, it's dead" (we actually had one of those a few years ago, it was a dead hemlock that was going to have to come down anyway, so we cut it and used had no green to speak of but we loved that tree)...J: "how about this one?", L: "hmmm, it's just not right"...J: "you do realize these natural trees on the mountain are not going to look like the trees grown on a Christmas tree farm?", L: "yes, I know, but...".  Eventually, after much up hill hiking and searching...J: "hey, look at these, if we can't find one here, we aren't going to find one" and after some pause..."look at this one, it's perfect!", L (after studying 3 in the area that all had something to offer), "OK, agreed, this is the one!".

And so Johny gleefully began sawing...
...and carrying Tree (now capital T) down the mountain through the woods and eventually over the river (creek)...literally.  I asked him to smile, he said "I am".

This is the view Tree had prior to our bringing it home.

 This is Tree (still naked) in it's new home, drinking up lots of water. Not bad looking a'tall I'd say! 

This is Tree all dressed up!  I love the hand quilted tree skirt Johny's mom made many years ago.  She also made many of the ornaments!  I must admit, as the branches have taken on the weight of the lights, they are drooping a bit, but Tree is beautiful exactly the way Tree is!!!

In honor of our Charlie Brown Tree, I am sharing this link to one of my favorite Christmas songs...Charlie Brown - Christmas Time is HereClick on the link to listen and watch the video.

BTW, the basket on the wall has lights, red and silver balls, and strands of curly silver things that catch the lights.  A homemade holiday wall accompaniment made from this and that...we like it:)

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Remember going to the tree farm in MA to cut down our own tree? It was lots of fun! Yours looks very nice. Makes me want to sing. Hugs!

  2. I do remember that dad! Great memories:) Hugs back


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