Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mike Wins The Space Coast Marathon

Today was the annual Space Coast Marathon, a race run along the Indian River.  This morning our friend Brucie had a little breakfast so we could cheer for all the runners as they passed by, but one in particular...Mike Hensley...he is our friends Dick & Ursula's son-in-law.  And cheered we did...he WON the race!  2:32:14!  WOW!  (this photo by Dick Glenn, proud father-in-law) 

This is Mike and his wife Marielle waiting for the start of the race (they are the two on the right; Marielle wasn't racing, but did run the 1/2 marathon course).  (this photo by Dick Glenn, proud father-in-law)

As I mentioned earlier, a small group of us met at Brucie's house to enjoy the marathon.  We stood around drinking coffee, chatting, eating some good breakfast nibbles and enjoying the brisk morning.  Of course, we were also waiting for Mike to pass by!

Finally, the motorcade approached...I am standing in Brucie's yard, quite near Brucie & Ursula in the photo above to capture the image below...the race literally went right in front of us!  (All my race photos were taken from about the same spot.)
 This guy looks serious, doesn't he?
And here comes Mike, woo hoo Mike!  He is in the black shirt, #1002.  It looks like the guy in the red shirt is ahead of him, but he was not entered into the race and only ran a portion of it.
Look at that determination!  (this photo by Dick Glenn, proud father-in-law)

This is Marielle, Mike's wife, cheering him on and getting ready to ride along with him to the finish line.  She had a camera strapped to her forehead so she could capture every moment!
There goes Mike, he's passing walkers from the 1/2 marathon route; they cheered him on recognizing him as the first marathoner to pass them!

 This is proud Ursula (mother-in-law) getting the happy news that Mike won the race...what a smile!

 Marielle, Dick and Mike at the finish. (this photo by Ursula Glenn, proud mother-in-law)

It was great fun to watch the race and cheer the runners on...and there were a few with interesting running gear...

Besides watching the race, we have been preparing for our return to the cabin...we are looking forward to being back!  Home Sweet Home, here we come!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

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