Thursday, November 8, 2012

Keeping It Simple

This is a turnip from our garden.  Seems it got caught up in the thickness of the soil.  Nonetheless, it is beautiful.  Kind of extra-ordinary when you look at it!  I bet it will be delicious:)  A perfect example of the persistence of life...hit a hard spot, move in another direction...  Keep it simple!

Sometimes, keeping it simple isn't as easy as turning a root...

This morning I learned that the son of a dear friend of ours had been killed in the line of Luxembourg Army duty, although it was not active duty rather perhaps a mishap during daily details.  I can't imagine the loss his parents are feeling, and mourn with them.  Thommes was a young man filled with love, life, commitment to country and plain 'ol decency.  We were able to get to know him when we were in Luxembourg some time ago, and I am so honored to have had the opportunity to know him.  I feel deep sadness for his parents, our friends.  Words can not convey the emotion.

And my grieving is is also the 10 month anniversary of my brother Marc's passing.  How is it that time passes so quickly?  He was a jolly fellow, no doubt...he was a little bit like a crooked turnip, only better!  I miss him.  I know he (Captain Marc) had to be just about to catch a fish right before this photo, he's got that look in his grin (can't say eye, because of the glasses, but I know for sure, his grin says it all)!
One of Marc's favorite sayings..."be true to your teeth and they will never be false to you"...

So many things remind us to remember how precious life is.  Crooked turnips and teeth included! 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Thanks for the great photo of Marc. He was quite a philosopher, re the quote on the teeth. Something else he said to me was, "Dad, get your ear pierced along with me, because if you don't, on your death bed, you will be sorry you didn't do it"! Let's do all that we can to live a full and vibrant life so that we won't be sorry on the last day! So happy that you and Johny are following your dreams! Hugs!

  2. Heartfelt thanks Patti!

    I wholeheartedly agree dad! Hugs back!


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