Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Foggy Morning & The Beginning of Liam Time!

I'm publishing this post early today, because I'm heading to Jessi's to begin my 1:1 with Liam while Jessi takes a mini vacation.  I'm really excited; I figured I'll be so wrapped up with Liam once I arrive today that I should post now!

The river was covered in a dense fog this morning; it takes on a bit of a eery feeling...but still beautiful.

You can barely see the sail boat behind the dock here...almost looks like a ghost ship!
The dolphin were feeding like crazy, leaping and rolling about in the water.  I didn't capture the leaping and rolling, but I did get this cool shot of the effect on the water!
It was amazing to watch them leaping through the graceful!  This is the closest I could get...strollers, not leapers...

And now, I am off!  I'm so excited, did I say that already? 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


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