Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wow, Over 10,000 Pageviews!

When I started this blog, I had no idea how people would respond.  But it was important to me that I write about my Log Cabin Life and the daily experiences Mountain Man and I had during the year.  I wondered if anyone but my closest friends and family would read it, and more importantly maintain interest in reading what I had to write each day.  My first blog post was on April 4, 2012...and here I am today having published 182 posts (October 4th will be 184 posts and 6 months living my Log Cabin Life...as I type this I am absolutely amazed that it's been 1/2 a year!) and having people look at it over 10,000 times!  (If you scroll down on the blog, you will see the pageveiw counter near the bottom on the right.)  This is a Woo Hoo moment!  I am giddy and completely gratified by this.  Many heartfelt thanks to everyone out there who reads about my adventures.  I am energized by your support, interest and of course, let's not forget your comments!  The best part?  All the new friends I have made through this blog:) 

I took the picture below a couple days before I left the cabin last week.  The sky was so blue, I had to have a picture of it (it would give me a reminder of it while I was gone, kind of like having a pictures of Liam on my desktop and elsewhere!).  The cabin looks dark because I had to focus the lens on the sky rather than the cabin, because if I focused on the cabin, the sun lighting it washed out the color of the sky.  In celebration of 10,042+ pageviews (at the time of this post being published), I am sharing it with you!  And I'm happy to say I'll be back there very soon:)

I will close today with this video of the water lapping at the river's edge (if you receive my blog by email, and you can't get the view to open, click on www.liseslogcabinlife.com to go directly to the web, the video should open there).  Soothing and velvety looking.  I hope you enjoy.  I will miss it.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Now that's ONE big number! Congratulations, it's fun riding along~ ~ ~ ~

  2. "If you can imagine it,
    you can achieve it!
    If you can dream it,
    you can become it!"

    - William Arthur Ward

    Continue to imagine...continue to dream! Big hugs!


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