Monday, October 15, 2012

Pogo Gets a Haircut on a Blustery Day

Sunset this evening; a beautiful close to a blustery blue-skied day.  

Our dog pogo has been running around looking like a ragamuffin...I know, we are in the mountains, and living more naturally, but he really needed to go get a haircut and his nails Johny took him to the groomer today and when they came home, I told Pogo how handsome he looked, especially with his new festive purple scarf decorated with pumpkins and bats...perfect for a Pumpkintown dog!  I love how his spots and colors become so visible when he is cropped short. Here he is, handsome guy! (I know, he looks tired, this is his "mother, why do you do this to me" look.)
So you get the idea of where we came from, this is Pogo this morning, before heading out for his haircut... him a ragamuffin, call him a wooly mammoth, call him a mountain dog (which is Mountain Man's nickname for him, we should not be surprised; he said Pogo left this morning looking like his dog and came back looking like mine, lol!)...I really like the haircut!

As I mentioned earlier, it has been a blustery day, resulting in "leafing" (like raining only leafing...the ground is covered in a colorful carpet).  I've enjoyed watching the leaves as they have been blown from the trees, sometimes violently with a swift fall to the ground, other times with a gentle nudge that causes them to twist and turn as they float down to a soft landing.  I thought you might appreciate seeing a little bit of the leafing, though the video isn't nearly as dramatic as the real thing...(if you receive this blog post by email, you may need to click on the title to go the website to see the video)...

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I didn't know you knew the way to my backyard?? I even hear my wind chime.

  2. Pogo looks like a different dog with his haircut...Thanks for the video...really gives a nice feel for the weather to day. Hugs!

  3. You are funny Patti! I sure am glad you are not MIA:)

    I know dad, I am so glad he is finally cleaned up, I prefer his groomed look!


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