Monday, October 1, 2012

An Afternoon Thunderstorm

This afternoon I was entertained by a rumbling thunderstorm that slowly meandered along the river.  I enjoyed the pinging sounds the drops made on our skylights while the thunder grumbled in the distance.  It was perfect weather to curl up with a book, but I had other things to accomplish.  You know the song "whistle while you work"?  Well, I was humming something similar but it was more like "ping a ping pinging" while I worked, makes me laugh as I recall it!

This morning, I watched a school of dolphin and was able to capture a few action shots as they approached, passed by and then had a feeding frenzy in the distance (I cropped them so you could see the dolphin better)

Yesterday, I took this picture a heron on a piling....handsome, stately, proud.   I really like this picture and had to share it!    

A little update on Liam, Jessi took him to his doctor today, who said his airway was still a little red and inflamed, prescribed some medicine and said that he would be just fine.  Little trooper!  I miss them so much already and can't wait until I see them again...the next time, it will be just Liam and I, 1:1, woo hoo!

I am looking forward to getting back to the cabin...just a little more to take care of around here before I hit the road again.  Mountain Man has told me I need to get back because the beans keep growing and the leaves are changing!  Funny...what ever happened to "I miss you honey"?  Ha ha...I know he does, I miss him too...but it's all about the beans and leaves, LOL! 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Don't you love those romantic men! I've got one too.

  2. I have really enjoyed your trip to the river house. Yes, it's time to get back to the cabin.

  3. Agree with you on the picture of the heron! Great shot! Hugs!

  4. I know Patti, gotta love 'em though!

    I'm glad NCMountainwoman, and I totally agree!

    Love you dad! Hugs back atcha!


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