Monday, September 17, 2012

What To Do On a Rainy Day? Bake!

That's right, it's been raining so we can't work on the deck.  Mountain Man has taken to chopping wood, and I took to the kitchen.  I've been wanting to make another zucchini bread, being that my last attempt was not so great.  Yes, it tasted good, but the center didn't rise and the edges were quite crispy.  Today, I decided to try a new recipe, Bronwyn's Orange Flavored Zucchini Bread. And you know what?  Success!

I got the recipe out of this new Book of Bread I got for my birthday.  It is filled with interesting bread recipes that I can't wait to try.

This is the recipe I used today.  If you click on the picture, you can select what size you want for easy viewing.  I followed this recipe as written, except (of course I have to try to do something a little creative with it) I substituted about 1/8 cup of the flour with bran.  I did not adjust anything else, so it did make the bread a little dryer than it would have been otherwise, but it still tastes delicious (and a little bit better for you too)
When I am sharing a recipe that is not my own, I thought I would try sharing the photo of a recipe rather than rewriting it; please let me know if this makes it more difficult to print/copy the recipe if you want to. Thanks.

I always like to assemble all my ingredients in advance, before actually mixing everything together in preparation for baking.  Makes the mixing process easier.  I also have all my tools out (bowl, buttered baking dish, spatula, mixer) and ready to use.  Today I combined the dry ingredients into a 4 cup Pyrex measuring cup as well.
 Following the directions, beat the eggs, then add the oil.  Beat to combine.
 Stir in the zucchini.  
Now add the dry ingredients, which makes a thick batter.  
Then add your nuts and orange peel (note in the directions not to grate but rather use a peeling tool and then dice the peel).
Today I baked mine at just below 375 degrees, and set the timer for 45 minutes (recipe calls for 50).  I actually could have cooked it for even a little less time (tiny bit of burning on the edges).
Oh, by the way, don't you love my vintage wire cooling rack?  I have two that were my moms.  I love using them!

Look at that zucchini bread, you can see the orange specks of peel, along with the green zucchini and brown nuts...appetizing looking bread, and delicious too!  Those pieces of orange peel really make this taste scrumptious!
Let me know if you try it, and how you liked it!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. The bread looks yummy...and the wire cooking racks brought back many wonderful memories. Big hugs!

  2. Oh that bread looks so good. I have some hot tea if you want to share a loaf.
    I saw this recipe and I want to try it.

  3. I know Dad, me too!

    Patti, that cookie recipe looks fabulous, and sounds healthy too! I do believe I shall try this for sure, thanks so much!


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