Sunday, September 2, 2012

Rain, the Garden & Feeders

A day of rest.  Well, maybe not rest, but no major physical labor.  Well, some physical labor, but no hammering, climbing ladders or lifting heavy beams.  Well, maybe just a little working with wood and screwdrivers...

We've had a little rain, on and off.  I love the rain, very restful:)

This morning we went to the garden, as we didn't go yesterday because of the early start to the deck building.  This is what I harvested (I know the 2 beans don't look like much but we just keep collecting them until we have enough for a meal). This is the first of the endive lettuce we have harvested, and the zucchini, well it just keeps on a comin'!
We also harvested the rest of our purple potatoes, 7 pounds in all, we are pretty happy with that though it isn't enough to last through the winter!  We also had harvested about 2 lbs of red potatoes.  
While we harvested the potatoes, we uncovered 3 small ringneck snakes, about 5 salamanders, and several worms as we moved the straw that covered the potatoes.  This is one of the time we start digging in the straw, we know to be quite cautious:)

Mountain Man worked on the fall turnips we planted, as all the seeds germinated, so he weeded some out and transplanted them; we had good results the last time we transplanted turnips.

I am sorry to share that it looks like all our tomatoes have been infected with what is called Late Blight.  So we are faced with the choice of pulling the green tomatoes now or risking they become totally infected and inedible.   We have 2 tomatoes that ripened almost completely, but that is from the square garden boxes, and they too have some kind of fungus infection. I'll share more about the blighted tomatoes, as we are still deciding what to do.  But this is a picture of the 2 almost ripe "fungused" tomatoes, and let me tell you, after cutting off the bad spots, they were some of the most delicious tomatoes I've ever eaten.  Cherokee Purple are scrumptious, even if they are susceptible to attackers of tomatoes...

Then Mountain Man, upon my request (good man), built a deer feeder and a rabbit food holder.  We brought the deer feeder deep into our woods and put the trail cam on it.  We are hoping to attract some deer; we put some feed off a deer block and then some apples and we placed it relatively near to the creek, so I believe we have all the ingredients for some interesting activity!  No doubt that something will like it!

We have been seeing two rabbits in our front yard, so we want to feed them a bit (no Patti, we are not going to fatten them up to have them for dinner, LOL!).  The rabbit food holder is a smaller version of the deer feeder without no legs.

This evening closes with a heavy rain shower, a perfect close to a day filled with restful, satisfying and not physically demanding activities.  Have I told you lately how much I love this mountain life? 

One further note: my grandson Liam called me the other day for my birthday...he can now sing the entire Happy Birthday song, and ends with blowing out the candles!  How cute is that:)

I am indeed, a fortunate girl!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. So I get it, you feed the rabbits so they stay away from your green beans and other goodies in the garden, right???
    (really it tasted like chicken)

  2. That's exactly right Patti, and truth be known, we love roasted rabbit! Just not the ones in our yard:)

    Dad, every day it a good day here in the mountains!


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