Saturday, September 29, 2012

Liam, Jessi & Erin Are Here!

Everyone arrived safely yesterday, and from that moment on, we've been having a great time! 

I love this boy, he melts me!

Concentrating on cutting, not easy to do when you are left handed but only have generic scissors...

Jessi & Erin last evening:)

Liam, in concert!

We went to the Adventure Zone at the Dinosaur Store, it was really interesting with lots of hands on activities!

Liam says, "Mémère, help me, the awigador is eating me!!!"

 Making a giant puzzle together.
Playing a ball game, and wanting to make sure he can not follow the rules and just put the ball into the basket.  4 years old!  There is a great mind in that little head of his!
Relaxing on the dock, enjoying the river. 

And now I must return to having fun together.  We still have much of the day left!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Great photos of Liam, and off course, everyone else. Apparantly, you took the suggestion to include full face photos...good...however, I must say, I like the dock photo of Liam and Erin and Jessica looking at the river. Have fun! Hugs!

  2. I agree dad, I really like that photo on the dock as well!

    Thanks Patti, I have to agree:)


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