Sunday, September 23, 2012

All in a Fall Day...

It has been a perfect fall day... temp
...low humidity
...wind blowing every now and then, fluttering the leaves and causing them to fall, at the same time causing my chimes to sing:) sky with nary a cloud (don't get me wrong, I love clouds, but up here in the Smoky Mountain's, when the sky is completely blue, you know the humidity is down).

I am really glad for this because I am heading on a road trip tomorrow (Monday) to our river home.  So let me tell you how I enjoyed my day here before I leave this beloved place for a short time...

We harvested as much from the garden as we thought was ready.  Carrots, squash, corn, beans, zucchini &  salsify (the salsify was not a growing success whatsoever, but we had to try them anyway...teeny tiny bits of salsify flesh that were bitter...probably because they were too tiny to get the skin off), most of which I am taking with me on my trip...happy day for me!  Mountain Man will still have access to the garden, so he gets everything fresh:)

We went 'sang hunting today.  'Sang is Ginseng, (click on the link to learn more) a highly prized root for it's medicinal value.  We harvested it and replanted it closer to our cabin so we can watch it grow. 

The roots are interesting!

On our 'sang trek through the woods, I came across these two wildflower specimens, a nice encounter as I am seeing less and less flowering things...I believe this is Erect Goldenrod...
And I believe this is Indian Cucumber Root...

We have a new home for our front porch swing.  We like it quite a bit!

And finally, the cabin today.  As you can see, the sunlight upon the cabin is decreasing (I know, the cabin looks quite dark), but the sky is a gorgeous blue!  And what about the deck, the sun is shining on it:)!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I hope you have a wonderful trip and enjoy.. Sounds like you had quite a garden this year. My brothers have always hunted Seng too. Blessings.

  2. Love the photo of the veggies in the basket...another frame able photo! All the photos look great...and now you are growing your own ginseng! Glad to see the relocated swing. What direction is is facing? Safe travel back to the river in FL. Hugs!

  3. Dad, the swing is now facing south, looking out into the front yard and up the driveway.

    Thanks Susi!


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