Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Broad Winged Hawk & Nature's Colors

It is amazing to me how the mountains seem to know my thoughts...earlier today, I was wondering what I would write about today.  Yes, we did work on the deck, Mountain Man and I finishing details in the "under deck" and adding 3 more rows of flooring.  (Ronnie thought he might be able to come by to help us finish today, but he ended up with a broken water pipe on another job.)  And I am saving my next writing about the deck for the grand finale of this first stage, so stay tuned.   

As I went to the mailbox, there was this uncommon (to me, as I've only seen him once before), beautiful specimen of nature, seeming to be waiting for me.  Our paths crossed on my way to the mailbox today...I am sure this magnificent Broad Winged Hawk (to the best of my knowledge, please let me know if you think otherwise) was not nearly as excited to see me as I was him (not sure of the gender, I've learned both male and females look similar and they both feed the nest, they are also monogamous, I like that about them; I will use him for simplicity).  In fact, he was on the edge of the road and not surprisingly, he immediately flew into this tree.  I have spotted him once in the past, but he flew out of sight; makes me wonder if he is now guarding a nest close by, but I could not spot it.  He just sat watching me, as I did him, though I was snapping away.
Eventually, he chose to move higher into the trees, but I was able to capture his preparation for flight...
I felt extremely grounded and very close to nature while watching him:) 

After I returned, I noticed all the colorful leaves on our new, almost completed deck floor.  The sun was speckling through the trees and highlighting the fact that they were there.  Nature's fall colors have been floating to the ground when the breeze shakes them off their branches for some time now.  They reminded me of one of my most treasured books, The Fall of Freddy the Leaf: A Story for All Ages by Leo Buscaglia.  A warm, simple story about the journey through life.  I highly recommend it.  When I saw this natural painting of nature's colors on my deck, it confirmed what I already know; that life unfolds exactly as it should and I am most fortunate.  I don't need to question a thing.

Thank you for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. Hawks are absolutely my favorite wild bird...they are awesome! Thanks for capturing it on camera. There is something serene about those birds, yet they always seem focused. I loved the photo of the leaves on the deck. The horizontal boards, the grain in the wood, the leaf colors and the sun spots all come together to create a beautiful would look great framed!!! A little competition for Mountain Man? Hugs!


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