Friday, August 31, 2012

Today Is My Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me!  Sharing a few of my birthday joys thus far...

My first nasturtium bloomed today, a lovely, edible flower with a fascinating center!

Mountain Man created a fresh mountain wildflower bouquet for me, especially attractive, as it was made with love:)

There is going to be a blue moon this evening (it is called such because it is the second full moon in a month, and when the atmosphere is right, it will appear blue).   I am looking forward to seeing it in the beautiful dark night mountain sky!  As of this moment, no sight of the moon...I will keep looking!

The last thing I want to share is that I am now 51.  I am perfectly happy being 51, I feel great about me and my life, and it sure is better than the alternative, which brings me to my anxiety about it.  I figure if I share this with you, get it in writing, then I'll be done with mom died when she was 51; she had just gotten to the point in her life that she had gained self-confidence and I believe really learned to love herself just as she was and thus able to enjoy her life.  Then all of a sudden, her life was over.  No advance warning, no chance for preparation.  For many years, I have felt confident, accepted myself just the way I am, embracing opportunities to grow, and have kept moving in a forward direction, loving my life.  (Interesting that the theme of my daily inspirational reading for today was No Regrets, and the title "I Love My Life"...perfect and serendipitous that this was the theme on my birthday.)  Even though my love of my life is nothing new, being 51 is.  So I have this thought running around in my head (logical or not) that my path may follow hers.  With that said, I am letting it go.  For good.  I will not think it any longer.  I will not voice it any longer.  I know I have another 50 years to go, just like my maternal grandmother.  Thank you for "lending your ear" (or should I say eyes), and feel free, if you are open to this way of thinking, to send some supportive "healing, letting go" thoughts this way.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,
51 and going strong,


  1. Happy, happy day or evening! Remember everyday is a gift.(I remind my parents daily. They are only in their eighties.). I enjoy reading your posts.

  2. Happy Birthday Lise! Sending you lots of birthday hugs! Hope your day was filled with lots of love and laughter!


    Check your email, because earlier today I sent you a recipe link.

    51 . . . I feel the same way you do. You see my older brother died suddenly at 51, that was 15 years old. I was so happy to turn 52, I wanted to out live that number. Thank you Lord, you have given many more years past that date.

    You too will make it. Besides, that mountain man you have is a keeper, anyone that can make a flower bouquet like that!

    Enjoy the moon. We are getting rain, almost 2 inches already since early morning and they say we could get 2 more inches before it's over Sunday!

    Life is good.

  4. Happy birthday "51" and "going strong"! Your thoughts about mom's life and your "focus" brought tears to my eyes. I want to thank you for sharing those deep personal feelings with me and the blog world. I loved the photos, as usual, they brought me a sense of beauty and peace. Who knows, Mountain Man may be practicing to become a Mountain Florist! Big hugs to both of you!

  5. Thank you so much Mamabug!

    Patti, I will check email. And thank you so much for sharing your experience; I know that I will live a long life, but it is comforting to know there are people out there who deeply understand.

    Dad, isn't it odd that the sharing would happen on my blog...I guess I always thought somehow this was something we had discussed at some time! Much love to you!

  6. I hope you have a great year!
    I think all the reflecting on how fragile life is has helped you to make the choices that lead you to where you are today.
    You are making the most of every day's experiences and you will have so many great memories to look back on, and so many stories to tell when you are old and gray and sitting on your rocking chair on your front porch.
    Thanks for sharing. Your blog is inspiring!

  7. Thank you so much Mitch, and I do see it now...maybe even with you & Jerry with your truck camper in the front yard and us rocking away together!


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