Friday, August 17, 2012

Random "Interestings"

I take pictures all the time.  Of everything.  Most often, there is no purpose of taking a particular picture except I want to have a picture of that specific item that brings me joy.  Sometimes, a connection develops between things that bring me joy, subsequently becoming my post for the day. I do have to admit that there are some activities that I take pictures of, making bread for instance, that is very purposeful, because I want to share that experience with you.

Today, I share random "interestings", meaning no direct connection between them, except this is my life and these are things I find pleasure in.  I hope you enjoy...  

This is a butterfly bush with a Pipevine Swallowtail, cool low plant that I never saw bloom before.  It is certainly named appropriately, as the butterflies do love it!

...up close...

Snowball bush...

...up close...

Cardinal on the Snowball bush, love the contrast...I was going to crop it so you could see the Cardinal better, but I was too far away when I took the picture so the detail is a little blurry...

Rose of Sharon flower...

A Cardinal and Yellow Goldfinch one of our bird feeders...

Hummingbird sitting pretty...

I never saw this before, but I believe it is a mining bee, a good pollinator, a loner bee, and not aggressive...

...but his mouth part is daunting looking!

A Tiger Swallowtail, stunning butterfly...

I hope you have enjoyed these pictures as much as I have enjoyed seeing the real thing and photographing them.  It is life's random, simple pleasures that keep things interesting!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. Love all the photos of nature...brings me peace! You are getting to be quite a out Mountain Man! Hugs!


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