Monday, August 13, 2012

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow...

Liam decided he was going to buy the Spiderman backpack he saw when we went school (VPK) supply shopping together with the $5 he received for his birthday (of course to go with his Spiderman lunchbox that he also received and loves).  I took him, with his money, back to the store.

He tried on the backpack...then decided it was perfect; he did comment that some of the other backpacks that were for GIRLS, too funny...
He proudly brought his $5 to the counter and paid; we did have to discuss that the backpack was a little more than $5 and that I wanted to give him the rest of the money, since he wanted it so badly, and I do believe he actually grasped the concept to a certain degree!
I'm not sure you can see the pleasure in his right cheek like I can, but he was so proud, walking away with his new Spiderman backpack!

When we got into the car, I marveled at this 4 year old, who insists on buckling his own seat belt.  Such a great age, learning independence and the pride of accomplishing things!

He would not take his backpack off for some time.  He played train (the one he built with me) with mommy, giggling the entire time.  

I left them this morning, and yes, I did cry, for quite some time as I drove away.  I sure love my mountains, but I love my daughters and Liam too.  I treasure my time with them...Liam is such a character, so loving, clever, funny and smart!  And Erin and Jessi are adults and moving forward with their lives.  I can't wait to see them again! 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I understand your tears and I will understand them even more when my grandson is born in December in Oklahoma 6 hours away.

  2. So glad you had such a wonderful visit with your girls and grandson. He's one precious little boy! And I bet he loves his grandma a whole lot!

  3. Perfect use of my $5 gift! He does look happy!

  4. It really was perfect Dad, and he so enjoyed buying it himself! He is really proud of his purchase:) We were going to call you that evening, but time got away from me and I left the next morning...hopefully Jessi will have him call you:)


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