Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Visit With My Sister & Nieces

I woke up this morning and watched the sun rise...it was so calm & peaceful...

After taking care of some business, I waited for my sister Denise and my nieces Sophia & Hailey to arrive for a visit.  I have not seen them in quite some time and have missed them, so it was really great that they could make the two hour trip while I was here. 

The girls wanted to go swimming in the river, which required blowing up the floats...Sophie and my sister got the job done in no time!

Into the river they went...I stayed on the dock taking pictures:)

Everything was going great, we even saw some dolphins swim by!  But when they were ready to get out we realized the ladder we have attached to the dock was starting to loosen where the wood is attached, I think actually the wood may have cracked a bit.  Of course, Johny isn't here to help secure it, so it took a great deal of perseverance for the girls to get out, and my sister ended up having to come out climbing over the rocks!  What a trooper:) 

Then we went to Rockledge Gardens, an absolutely beautiful garden center and nursery.  We saw lots of  beautiful plants, flowers and of course, butterflies!

A Gulf Fritillary...
I believe this is a Monarch...

I believe this is a Swallowtail, but not sure exactly which type...

We also went to a thrift store and got some dinner.  I loved spending the day with them...I really hope they get to come up to the cabin and visit up there some time, maybe in the winter when it's cold and we have snow!  Keeping my fingers crossed for that:) 

There is nothing like a sister!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

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