Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Marvelous Night for a Moon Dance

This is a waning gibbous moon which means the moon is just past full.  It was shining beautifully on the river last night!

Made me think of this Van Morrison song!  I did a little dancing on the dock was a marvelous night for a moon dance:)!  Have you ever just danced around because you feel like it?  I love dancing...I really love dancing like nobody's watching (that's what my friend Melanie and I did the other evening)...

...Here is a little something about me that most of you won't know...I used to be a professional modern dancer...yessiree...up on stage, actually got paid...I used to really love dancing when people were watching!  These days, they call it contemporary, but I am talking Twyla Tharp, Martha Graham, etc, and lots of other creative twists to choreography...awesome stuff and I loved performing it!...and now we have Mia Michaels, I really love her's the one thing I don't like at all about not having TV...missing 'So You Think You Can Dance'...boy those kids have mega talent!  Love dancing!  Still:)  I do plan on dancing like nobody's watching on my deck, once it is built...well, nobody will be watching, but go with me, it's the concept... 

Update on the garden, Mountain Man planted some turnip, rutabaga and beet seeds to begin our fall garden!  I hope everything grows well, because according to the Farmer's Almanac moon planting calendar, yesterday was a barren day, a fine day for killing plant pests...hmmmm...

Yard work today, only I'm not the one doing it!  Woo hoo for me, I get to supervise...saving my strength for when I get back to the garden:)

BTW, river is beautiful today, breeze is blowing, slight chop...nice.  Have I told you lately how fortunate I know I am???  I'm truly grateful!  Life is good:)

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

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