Monday, July 16, 2012

These Fragile Times Should Never Slip Us By

Tomorrow will be the memorial service for my friend Cristina Orth (click the link for her obituary).  I am not able to attend, being so far away, and I am extremely sad about that.  But we reconnected a few years ago, and I am so pleased about that.  Cris was a sweet, caring person, who affected many lives, particularly those children she taught.

Though I wrote about her in a previous post, when I passed this horse in a field along my way up the mountain road to my cabin, it could not help but think of her.  I can not explain it.  It just did.  Peaceful.  Calm.  At ease.   Relaxed.
As a result of sharing the loss of our classmate Cris with others, I have been able to reconnect with some people from high school.  I am extremely grateful for this.  It is unfortunate that it takes a loss to reconnect with people; I hope I can imprint this experience into my soul so that I reconnect and stay connected with those people in my life who do mean and have meant something to me.      

In high school, Cris and I loved the Elton John Friends album.  I still have it (yes, the vinyl album)!  We related to it.  We loved each other through it.  It is not a well-known album, but the lyrics are exquisite and it's all about being friends...

I miss you my friend, I honor the life you led and the person you were.  I do hope you are finding your day to be a lighter highway...

By Elton John
an excerpt; click on the link if you want to listen

I hope the day will be a lighter highway  
For friends are found on every road  
Can you ever think of any better way  
For the lost and weary travelers to go?

Making friends for the world to see  
Let the people know you got what you need  
With a friend at hand you will see the light  
If your friends are there then every thing's all right

It seems to me a crime that we should age  
These fragile times should never slip us by  
A time you never can or shall erase  
As friends together watch their childhood fly

Peace my friend...

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Loss can bring such sorrow, but with it a reminder to live, to survive, to remember the beauty of those we loved and lost and those we still have to cherish.

  2. Well said Donna:) Hugs to you!


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