Sunday, July 15, 2012

Smoky Mountain Magic

The name "Smoky Mountains" comes from The name came from the Cherokee name "shaconage," meaning "land of the blue smoke."  The fog is due to the extremely high levels of moisture in the air and the interaction it has with the dense plant life here.  We are, after all, living in a temperate rain forest!

The proof is in the mountain scape, see for yourself...

Smoky haze...
Smoky puffs...
Smoky veil...
 Smoky blanket coming...
This transformation occurred in less than 60 minutes late this is absolutely amazing to watch how the mountains change!

Love these mountains!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Your area is always beautiful, smoky or not!

  2. No question about that Patti, this place holds a magic all it's own!


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