Monday, July 30, 2012

Sitting In My Canvas Swing...

...which hangs from the porch roof on the north corner of the cabin, is a beautifully peaceful spot.  The swing is like a little cocoon; when I sit in it I am enveloped by the canvas.  I put my feet on the porch railing to guide my motion...back and forth, side to side, arcing now and then, and when I am feeling brave, spinning, slowly.  I feel like I am floating.   
I look out at the silent mountains, as the clouds float by, and listen...
...the creek below me is gurgling and splashing over the rocks in it's path...
....the hummingbirds are twittering loudly at each other as they fight over the feeder next to me... chime rings deep notes of mostly A, D & F...
...the wind rustles the leaves ever so gently...
 ...a tree branch cracks and plunges to the ground below...
...a myriad of birds create a symphony with their distinctive songs...
...a buzzing bee whirls about...
...a light rain shower sprinkling on the leaves...
All these sounds create a quietness, and I feel unruffled and joy-filled.
I am so happy that I get to live in and love these mountains!

I hope you have been able to feel yourself sitting in my canvas swing, and enjoying the moment...

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful spot to hear and observe the beauty of your little piece of the mountain!


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