Saturday, July 14, 2012

Lot's of Pollinating Going On

We hiked up to the Nantahala National Forest today, we just walk up the mountain and into the forest!  I have no idea how many miles the path we took is, but we hiked about 4 hours.  There were so many things we saw, today I will share some photos of all the pollinating going on.  It is a spectacular event if you look closely:)  The only adjustment to some of these photos was to crop to get a closer view...The flowers are Tiger Lily's, Wild Mint, Tall Bellflower and perhaps a yellow Daisy (not sure about this one)...Enjoy!




Pollination is part of what makes the world go round!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Thanks Mitch, wait 'til you see all this yourself! Can't wait to have you visit:)


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