Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life: Beginnings & Endings

I learned early this morning that a dear high school friend passed away after battling cancer (and battle she did).  We were very close during high school, she was my Maid of Honor, and then we drifted apart until a few years ago when we reconnected.  Unfortunately, she had just recently discovered she was ill. 

It's been raining almost all day today.  The same thing happened [rain all day] six months ago when my brother passed away.  The coincidence has caused me to pause several times, wondering about 'universal energy', and how everything is weaved together...I can't help feeling the rain is more serendipitous than coincidental.  My heart is heavy for her family but my soul is relieved she has found peace.  Rest comfortably my friend, you deserve it!

This personal loss, as with others, reminds me to appreciate each and every moment. 

I was delighted when I arrived at the garden this morning, and saw our first zucchini flower.  Bright.  Bold against the green leaves and brown soil.  Promise of fruit to come. I had no idea at the moment I saw it how it might be more significant to me than the first garden zucchini bloom, but now it represents a new beginning...

And then I saw that our bush beans have beans!  Just beginning...

And our potted Cherokee Purple tomatoes, just beginning...

Life begins.  Life ends.  Gardens germinate, fruit and wither.  From the earth, back to the earth.  I'm grateful that Mountain Man & I are here, living our log cabin life.

I found the flowers I posted today while Johny was hunting mushrooms at Betty's Creek. They have lovely gardens and these blooms were begging me to photograph and share their beauty.  I believe the first one is a double Daylily, and  believe the one below is a white Tiger Lily.

Remembering you Cris, you will be missed by many, including me.

Thank you for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to read about the loss of your friend. As for your brother I know how that feels, I too lost my brother although it was many years ago, there is still a void in my heart.


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