Friday, July 6, 2012

Fluffy on the Prowl...

Last night we had a strong storm pass through, thankfully no serious damage, though those around Cades Cove were not as fortunate.  Our thoughts go out to those who lost family members, and we are grateful that we, our home, and our gardens fared well.

It seems that the storm brought the birds out this morning, and that got Fluffy, our cat, on the prowl.  She comes out to the porch each morning with us as we have coffee, but this morning she was particularly entertaining with all the birds fluttering about and coming for black sunflower seeds.

Fluffy diligently watching...
...stalking and pouncing...
...keeping a diligent eye...
...waiting for the chipmunks too...

...her entertainment is our entertainment...comical to watch her head flitting back and forth as she assesses how to capture her foe, which she never does, and that makes me glad!

Does your cat paw her/his water?  Every time Fluffy goes to drink, she paws at the water first, as if to see if it is actually there...most peculiar but I have not been able to capture it with my camera! 

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

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