Friday, June 1, 2012

True Confessions & Desires

When Mountain Man and I came to our log cabin, it was to simplify our lives and live off the land for one year.  An important part of that plan for me was to create a blog and write about our adventure.  So far, so good, we know we are exactly where we are supposed to be, HERE!

...stormy today...
I will begin with the end in mind...both yesterday and today, I have received comments from 2 readers I have not previously "met".  I knew about the comment from yesterday, but I have only just read today's comment.  Regardless (this will make more sense shortly), I will continue to post my thoughts for today as I originally intended. Because it is from my heart. Because you, my faithful family/friends/readers/subscribers/followers (now to be known as f/f/r/s/f), are important to me.  And I know all is evolving exactly as it should, and I continue to move confidently in the direction of my dreams (Thoreau).

When I began my blog on April 4th, I was amazed at the number of pageviews each day, and how quickly my friends and family (that would be you, my faithful f/f/r/s/f, thank you!) subscribed for daily email updates and as followers.  I discovered that I can look at my blog stats (traffic, referral sources, number of pageviews, etc) each day, which gives me the chance to see who my audience is. This is a good thing.  Except the 'driven/have got to get it right' part of me is still alive and strong, and even though I work hard at channeling that into an internal competitiveness of how quickly I can get to the mailbox and back, or through the woods with a wheelbarrow full of logs...I have noticed that my blog audience (don't get me wrong, I appreciate each and every one of you) isn't growing as quickly as I would like.

Why is this important?  Well, I am a writer, and I intend on becoming the best writer I can be.  And in doing so, will move my professional life toward new and exciting things that include writing, and talking to people about my writing, and writing about my Log Cabin Life, and talking to people about my Log Cabin get the picture...

Speaking of pictures...
...this little furry beauty is a Virginian Tiger Moth, looks soft enough to pet!...
Back to my point, I've learned, as I have jumped further into "blog world"...reading and following relevant blogs (to me), seeing how "seasoned bloggers" do things, learning how to utilize more blogging tools...that writing in this realm is, well, an art, and a field filled with talented people (yikes, danger zone, the 'c' word...I mean competitive, ha ha, had you going there).

I was thrilled when Tipper of Blind Pig & the Acorn asked me if she could use my Car Wave Hello post as a guest post on her blog.  WOO HOO!  It was a wonderful compliment to be asked in the first place, but I also gained several new readers and followers as a result.  I still get excited when I look at that post, it fills me with continued enthusiasm and the confidence that I am doing exactly what I should be doing, and this in-and-of-itself is success!

All that said, I feel like...
...I am moving at a snails pace; this little fellow was on our road this morning after returning from the garden (and discovering the corn has sprouted, woo hoo!)
I have found, this is my true confession, that I am completely challenged with getting readers (that would be you, my faithful f/f/r/s/f's, don't get me wrong, I appreciate each and every one of you, whether you comment or not) to comment on my posts.  And while I write because I love it, and I want to capture the experience of living off the land for a year, and I will continue to write each day no matter what, I am also interested in your comments and feedback.  Lara Britt, in her blog Writing Space, has a section, An Experiment in Co-Creation, and I can not explain my interest about you commenting any more succinctly than she has.  You can click on the link to read more, but in brief, Lara says
"Writers do not write in a vacuum.  Readers are an integral element to the equation...Interaction with you, My Dear Readers, makes this experiment dynamic dialogue rather than stilted monologue." 
I am so pleased I came across her blog (and signed up for email updates, and no, I did not comment there yet, so I understand not always wanting to do so immediately), because it is this description that gave me the "brave" to write this post.

So, this is my desire, when you read a post you find interesting, please leave me a comment.  Or if you just want to say hi, please leave me a comment.  Or if you want to disagree with something I have written, please leave me a comment.  Or if you have a suggestion, please leave me a comment.  Or if you don't have anything to say but you want me to have some comments, please leave me a comment.  

It's really not difficult, just click on the comment link, identify yourself - only your name will be posted, or you can remain anonymous, and comment away!  And if you find yourself befuddled and need a helping hand, just email me at and I will do my best to guide you through the steps. 

OK, truth be told, I have one more true confession.  I would like to find more people who are interested in reading about my adventures, you know, build my audience, broaden my horizons, more faithful f/f/r/s/f's.  Oh yes, and comment leavers:)  So this is my second desire, if you know someone who just might be interested in reading about Lise's Log Cabin Life, forward them a link to my blog:).  They just might be interested, sign up for email updates, or follow my blog.  Then again, they may not, and that is OK too.

And now I am getting ready to click publish, and thinking to myself, good golly, what if no one comments?  That will be OK too, because I will keep on writing, keep on posting, and I will know that you, my faithful f/f/r/s/f's, just don't want to comment:)

I'll leave you with one more photo, this is of some sort of wheaty/grass by the road, I found it beautifully peaceful...

Oh, btw, I am going to try to stay updated on Pinterest and Twitter as well, you know, building audience, if you are so inclined, you can find me there.  I also post my blog on Facebook each some point, I will figure out how to put those like buttons right on the blog so you can click directly.  So far, that tool continues to befuddle me!

And one more thought, some of you do comment via my email address, and I love that too.  The thing is, blogs have this "community potential", in that as one person comments, then does another, then does another, and soon, you have a community of faithful f/f/r/s/f's who are exchanging about your blog.  This evolves into more faithful f/f/r/s/f's, and interested potentials, you follow (ha ha, pun intended)...I would like that with/for www.Lise'

Thanks for your ongoing support, and really, I treasure you, my faithful f/f/r/s/f's!
Thank you for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,


  1. Ok, So I am leaving a comment because I want to, not because you want me to. I have forwarded your blog to 2 people and I know that they enjoy it as much as I do... I look forward to reading your blog everyday, because you are living the life I wish I could live, so the next best thing is to follow your adventure. Not only do I enjoy the blog, but the pictures are amazing! I even share with Jeff some of your adventures! You have made this South Florida girl, feel like part of my is there with you! Have fun with this adventure!

  2. Lots of good thoughts here tonight Lise. Have you thought about putting the followers thingy closer to the top of your blog where it's easier to find. Sometimes it just takes a while for your followers list to grow. I was disappointed when I first started because of a very low following and very few comments. Just hang in there it will get better! Hugs to you! I love your blog.

  3. I commented last night. It must be in the atmosphere somewhere! I look forward to your adventures. You are living many of our dreams.
    I am curious. Do you plan to freeze/can vegetables? I enjoy both processes. Happy Saturday!

  4. I've enjoyed following your journey-and will continue to do so!

    And don't get discouraged-as a blogger-I know comments count-they're part of what gives you the umph to continue. I think good blogs are written by people who are passionate about something-and you've already got that down pat-so just keep doing what your doing and it'll all turn out great : )

  5. Lise , keep on doing what you're doing , and enjoy it for yourself too, we love it , and look foward to another day as "Lise's world turns." LOL -- Malcolm in Thailand

  6. Thanks Betsy, as I said on Pinterest, you rock:)

    Mamabug, I appreciate your support, and I do know it takes time, patience is one of those virtues I have to work hard at!

    Carol, I did see your first post, you were one of those new readers I had not met yet. And yes, I do plan on canning/freezing, but I have to learn how first. The one thing I know how to do is leather britches (dried green beans).

    Tipper, you have been an inspiration all along, I appreciate your taking time to comment. One of these days, we will meet by golly!

    Malcolm, thanks for the chuckle and your support...I can see you in your hammock now, with a cartoon bubble over your head with As Lise's World Turns...maybe it will be a book one day, LOL!

    Thank you all!!!

  7. Hey, Lise. I attempted to post a couple of other times and got stuck somehow in imparting my information. Hopefully this one works. I'm a little behind in reading your posts. (Grading papers and preparing report cards got in the way. Free, free at least for 8 weeks or so.) I do enjoy reading about your life at the cabin. As others have said, there is a vicarious component here. Many of us wish we had the chutzpah (sp?) to do what you and Johny are doing. As I read your posts I often find myself wondering how re-entry will be for you (at the end of the year)...not that you're anticipating that just yet. When you juxtapose the sensory overload that many of us are assaulted with each day and the stillness of mountain life, it seems there may be some tension there. Sorry for bringing this up, but it is something I think about each time I read your blog. Keep up the good work! I'm totally impressed with your photography! Love your writing style.

  8. Dale my long time friend, first, happy happy birthday to you!!! Next, I really appreciate your candidness. Interestingly, I have thought about this being a year of our lives, though have now thought that perhaps I need to keep going at least another year to put into practice everything I am learning...gardening stuff specifically at this point. It's funny, life is so short, and you never know what it will bring you each day. So living in a way that brings out the best in us (me & Mountain Man), & that leaves the smallest man made imprint on the earth (meaning doing as much as possible to keep our world healthy and not adding any damaging behavior to it), while giving out the best positive energy possible, seems to be a good path. Who knows what the future will bring, but I really don't think about it much, just keeping it simple, enjoying the now. Perhaps I will be fortunate enough that I do not have to make a decision at all, life will simply lead me in a forward direction!

    Thank you so much for your comment. I send you hugs over the miles, enjoy your 8 weeks of freedom!

  9. Thanks, Lise, for your comments. I think you're wise not to anticipate the future. Living life in the moment is a good thing, and something God asks us to do. ("Do not worry about tomorrow....") Keep on...


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