Saturday, June 23, 2012

Interrupted by a Very Handsome Grouse

I was on my way back from an unplanned trip to town to pick up some much needed pectin for my fresh  strawberry jam (more about that to come), when my trip up the mountain was interrupted by an extremely friendly Grouse.  Grouse are a very handsome and I hear tasty delicacy!  But all I could do was admire his handsomeness...he was clearly a friendly fellow, because he had no fear!

 This is when I spotted him as I approached the bend...
 As I came closer, he seemed to become more proud of his position in the road!

 Each time I inched the car forward, he would puff up a little more.  I would speak sweetly to him, telling him not to be you think he was listening and responding to me???  Ha ha, that would be a pleasant!

It was only after Ron (our neighbor) pulled up behind me that I had to move forward, which resulted in this handsome fellow moving into the woods... 

A Grouse really is a beautiful bird, wouldn't you agree?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. Now that's a dedicated blogger taking your camera to town with you!

  2. Ha ha, indeed Patti, I take my camera everywhere:)

  3. "The grouse if beautiful and fortunate that you were not going fast enough to hit it! I have a similar story, but I played a different role.

    A short time ago, while working on the church grounds, several of us were razing an old chicken coop when a beautiful large (4 - 5 feet long) yellow rat snake was discovered under some old rotting boards. Everyone but me screeched, screamed, and scrambled. One of the workers was ready to hit the snake with the shovel. I asked him to leave the immediate vicinity and walked up to the snake, and spoke to it softly. When I was near and slightly in front of it, I extended my right arm and finger and pointed it at the snake. Then I slowly led it, all the while talking to it softly, away from the demolition site towards the woods. Everyone stood in fear as they watched me lead the snake away. It disappeared as soon as we reached the edge of the woods. Now many church members call me the "snake whisperer"!

  4. That would be you dad, the snake whisperer:) Must be all that experience with Boas and other snakes as pets when we were kids!

  5. Wow. Is that for real, Mr. Landry? Amazing.

  6. Yes Mrs. is for real.
    Due to health issues in the family, we limited our pets to various kinds of snakes. They are truly easy to handle and respond well to gentleness. Note the snake charmers' ability to "charm" the snake.

  7. Great photos Lise-and what a cool experience too!


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