Monday, June 18, 2012

The Evolution of This Morning's Horizon

We had another rain storm last night, which typically results in lovely morning fog over the mountains.  The evolution was lovely today...

...blanket of fog...

 ...for a while it seemed like the clouds were stuck in the valley...

...but they persisted in rising...

I could hear Frank Sinatra (or Barbara Streisand, but I like Sinatra's version) crooning:
"On a clear it will astound you, that the glow of your being outshines every star. you'll feel part of every mountain, sea and can see forever, and ever and ever more".
Feel a part of every mountain indeed. I hope you feel it too, even if just for a moment.

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. love it...i can imagine standing on the porch...even here in steamy Florida

  2. I do so love seeing the cloud banks in the valleys, looking so much like lakes. Great shots of the fog lifting. Yes, life is better in the mountains.

    Loved your post for your father.

  3. I'd never get tired of such an amazing view! Such simple serenity!

  4. Come back any time Dick:)

    NCMountainwoman, thank you so much. Every day brings something new:)

    Agreed Mamabug, serene indeed!


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