Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Ending of My Dad & Donald's Visit at the Cabin

Yesterday, Johny, my Dad, Donald and I wrapped up our day by going to Sylva to show them our beloved town.  We went to City Lights Bookstore which as I have mentioned before is our favorite bookstore, and The Nichols House, a lovely antique store in an historical home in downtown Sylva. These flowers are from the garden at The Nichols House.

We saw these men working on the church steeple on Main Street, just beyond The Nichols House.  We actually could hear the men arguing about something, not exactly sure what, but the top of a church steeple is probably not the best place to have a loud disagreement about something, LOL!

After walking through Main Street, we headed to Dillsboro for dinner at Kostas.  We started with a Flaming Cheese Appetizer, made with Greek Goat Cheese, yum! 
If you look closely, you will see the flames!
The rest of our dinner was delicious as well.  On our way out, we met Dean, one of the owners, and learned he had restaurants in Sarasota, FL where Dad & Donald are from, just down the street from where they live!   And several of Dean's other family members who own restaurants in the Sarasota area are places we have been too!  Who would have thunk it...small world!

When we arrived back at the cabin, we relaxed on the porch, looking at the mountains. It was another hazy evening, with lots of rocking in the chairs and talking about this and that.
As the sun set, we began to see the fireflies and bats flying around. I tried to capture a picture of one or the other, but needless to say it is hard to do that in the dark. And more importantly, it caused me to miss a couple special moments, like when a bat flew by and ate a firefly right in front of where we were sitting! I was so busy playing with the camera to capture a photo I missed the moment! Well, that was the end of the photo session; I'd rather see it myself:)
A bit later, we were visited by a lovely Poplar Tree Moth, I am quite sure this is a male (the strip of lights surrounds our porch). He is magnificent!!! We have some really awesome moths here! Another who would have thunk it moment! A very nice closing to a very nice evening.
Today, Dad & Donald left to complete their vacation plans. I was so very sad to have them leave; it was so great to have them here! We have a book for visitors to write about their stay with us. Both Dad & Donald wrote in it, but something that my Dad wrote touched me deeply:
"...Love the feeling of this serene place - where love and sharings are allowed to become more than one would expect. "

Ahh, I love my Dad, and Donald, and Johny. Happiness in our log cabin. Life is good!
Thank you for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful,aww moments! Priceless memories you'll have forever!


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