Sunday, June 3, 2012

Deck Prep Stump Removal

Robert was able to fix his big machine and get started with our stump removal today...what a job!  I am no expert, but Robert is, and it was like watching surgery, removal of an unwanted, dead appendage that is...(ewww)...OK, not ugly like that, but really a science in getting it done.

The beginning...
...hole on the other side of the stump...
...this is Robert, very intense, as any good surgeon should be... we have a really big hole surrounding the stump & you can see Mountain man collecting rocks from the dig (for our drainage system, we are only using what we can gather from our property)...
...beginning to move the stump (this is actually two Hemlock trunks that grew together and then died as a result of the Hemlock blight, we don't have a single living Hemlock left;
I'll write more about the blight another time)... that's a stump!...
...Robert again, still very intense, this is a big stump!...
...bye bye stump...
...down into the woods the stump rolls...
...stumps new home in the woods, it will make some creatures very happy...

And then, boom, the big wonderful machine won't reverse...there is something about this job that the big wonderful machine is not liking very much...first yesterday with the hydraulics and now today with backing up...

So Robert had to take his big wonderful machine back home, and called to tell us he thinks it might be a transmission problem.  Wouldn't you know it that Robert has not had a problem with this thing for years...must be something about the stump.

Anyway, now we have a really big hole (not going to share that photo because I figure, power of positive thinking, the hole will be gone soon).  But I mean to tell you this is a really big hole, if I stood in it, it would come to my waistline.  At least it isn't something I could trip into, can't miss the darn thing!

So, it has been a successful day, all said and done.  We just need to wait for the big wonderful machine to work again so we can remove one more stump (a much smaller one) and fill the holes!

Have you ever had a big project that got halted midstream because of a malfunction?

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's :), see you tomorrow,

PS Did I tell you the corn has sprouted?  Now we just need to wait until it is 4" high and then we can plant the beans and squash to compete the three sisters patch.


  1. Hey that's progress no matter how slow! Won't be long and no more stumps. Can't wait to see the deck when it's done.

  2. There is nothing better than fresh corn, unless it's a fresh grown tomato!
    Happy growing!


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