Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Adventures of a Few Days with Dad & Donald

Today has been filled with visiting with Dad & Donald...I am enjoying the much too brief time with them.  So I will give you a few snippets of our day, with details to follow later...

We visited our garden, there were lots of helpful hints shared...

We discovered we have tomato flowers beginning to bud, woo hoo!

A beautiful day lily...

Donald coming down to the creek. Donald was not fond of coming down the home made steps with the rope for a handle.  Both Dad and I had to get a picture!

Indian Pipe flower, one of my favorites!

At Betty's Creek, a cool development
with really beautiful landscaping and walking paths along a creek.  It's not far from our cabin, just down our mountain, a quick jog north on 441, then up Betty's Creek mountain.

A cool view of dead trees on our hike...

Not sure what these are but they are awesome.

Black-Eyed Susan

It's been a very full day, with still more visiting to go.  I love my dad, he is my teacher, my friend, my daddy, my father, and my mother (being she passed away so long ago).  He is a special person whom I love to be with.  I love Donald too.  So I dare not spend too much time away while they are here.  More to come tomorrow!

Thanks for reading my blog, you are the best f/f/r/s/f's, see you tomorrow,


  1. I know you will enjoy your time with your dad and Donald. I can't wait to read the details of their visit.

  2. We saw those Indian Pipe flowers for the first time several years ago when we went through the Blue ridge Mountains. They were awesome!

  3. Mommy,
    I'll have you know that I've not had much to do at work this week with bossman being out of the country, so today I decided I was going to read and re-read every blog you've posted! I just spent 4 hours of my day reading everything! So many times I have found myself laughing out loud (people kept coming my office wondering what was going on), and many times I was in tears... I miss you both so much and wish that I could be there with Liam sharing this experience with you guys! The adventures you share with the world are amazing, and they look so fun! I can only hope that one day I will also be able to do what you are doing! Except I would make it permanent! Im going to make a road trip up there early next year, after I get my tax return, and come stay for 2-3 weeks!! I wish I could be there now... The weather looks beautiful!

    I love you and miss you both so much!!! Can't wait to see you!!!

    Jessi and Liam

  4. Love you too Jessi, can't wait until you and Liam come up, so many things to see and do!!!


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