Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We Are In A Temperate Rainforest!

At some point in the past, I recall learning that the Southern Appalachians were a temperate rain forest.  But I now understand this fact.  We are part of the Nantahala National Forest area, and have had rain almost every day, most often being downpours, for the past several weeks.

Overall, this is a very good thing for the land.  And in the long run, for our garden.  But it is tough on newly planted seedlings.  Fortunately today, the rain was steady and even. 

We planted our Cherokee Tomato seedlings in several places; in our square foot garden box #2...

...from the seedling container... the planter box (the darker soil you see is a manure mixture)...

...resulting in a a happy home with with all the other seedlings...

We also planted some of the seedlings in the garden plot, a spot that will get less than optimal sun for tomato production, but we wanted to experiment.  We had almost 100% successful germination of the Cherokee seeds, so we decided it was worth seeing the success rate in this area. 

In addition, we planted 2 Black Russian tomato seedlings (the only successful sprouts of all we planted), and a row of bush beans from seed.

While planting, we came across this lovely snail,
and lots of earth worms, yeah!

When we were walking to the garden plot to plant, we were greeted with this beautiful view of fog creeping over the mountain, more evidence of being part of a temperate rain forest.

As the day wound down, and I walked to the mailbox, which, while I enjoyed the walk being that I had not done it for some time, it was a bit more difficult...even though it is only a mile walk round trip, it obviously has it's fitness advantages, (this is a run on sentence, I know), I came across many blooming Mountain Laurels, they are lovely...

One last note, Pogo is doing well.  Still not quite himself, but much better.  His hematoma has returned a little bit, so we will probably have to drain it (ugh), but happy that he is getting back to normal. 

Thanks for reading my blog, see you tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. Can you send some rain our way? The hubby started watering two nights ago. That's crazy for May!


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